For many of us, this three-letter word, AGE, can mean a lot of things: Some say it’s just a number; others cower in fear when they see the numbers increase; and then there are some of us who welcome the increase with a vengeance, embracing the changes to come. There are those too, who see ageing as a work in progress, like yours truly. Ageing gracefully is something that we should all strive to be.

Ageing Gracefully, Enjoying Life
For me, it is not a nightmare, it is the chance to add another notch in the ladder of experiences. It is also not about your physical attributes. It shows when you are in that happy place. When you have that joie de vivre (enjoying life – an expectation of the spirit), it shows in your whole outlook that age really does not matter.
Not everyone, though, believe in the adage that you have to take life as it comes and enjoy it while you can. They prefer to take life too seriously that sometimes for them, ageing becomes a chore. And that is when they become morose, depression hits them and this can also affect the people around them.
Healthy And Happy Lead To Ageing Gracefully
Ageing gracefully is more about being healthy and happy than merely keeping wrinkles at bay. It is wonderful if one can maintain a healthy lifestyle, be surrounded by people we love, and do things that bring us joy. It’s natural to worry about the challenges that ageing can bring, but worrying will just add on the wrinkles, so let’s not go there. Remember, ageing gracefully is something that we should all strive to be.
One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to compare ourselves with how the celebrities look like on the cinema and TV screens and the magazine pages. With the help of technology and Photoshop, of course, now everyone can look younger. But that is not how we should fashion our life on, although there are certain positive things that we can emulate from them. For instance, many celebrities past their prime believe in the following quote:
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist
That is so true.

A Life Worth Living Is One Without Regrets
For many of us, we tend to ask ourselves what have we done with our life through the years. Some will have moments of regret, some will only remember the highs, while others will acknowledge the mistakes made and vow to never commit them again – or learn and improve from these.
As for me, these experiences in life, whether they were good or bad ones, only mould them into what we are today. And it shows in our personality, our demeanour and our dealings with others. We must always remind ourselves that to age gracefully is to embrace the changes to come.
All the bitterness we may have faced, the pain and the struggles only make us stronger. They contribute to our personal development and makes us value all that we had, and have. Otherwise, we end up going through anxiety issues.
Eating Good And Exercising – First Steps To Ageing Gracefully
Another aspect that we should not disregard is our eating habits. A healthy diet is important, but is a tough call in a country like Malaysia which is a haven for rich and, for some, ‘forbidden’ food.
There should be a nice mix between home-cooked cuisine and food purchased externally, especially those that contain all kinds of enhancers and additives, for example, Monosodium Glutamate (or MSG), which I am severely allergic to. Some of these food additives can contribute to health complications or risks. Home-cooked food is good as you can use lots of natural ingredients and vegetables like cucumber and carrots can also be used as part of a beauty regime.
Meanwhile, there are all kinds of diet fads nowadays, all kinds of health supplements like vitamins D and B12; minerals like calcium and iron; herbs such as echinacea and garlic; and products like glucosamine, probiotics, and fish oils. Then there is the oh-so-effective intermittent fasting. To me, everything is good, as long as taken and practised in moderation. Remember, we are talking about ageing gracefully here.
Of course, something that we cannot leave out is exercise. Urrrrgghhh! but again, this has to be done in moderation. Cardio and brisk walking is good, so do sessions on the cycle and treadmill, even the shoulder and arms stretches. Three times a week, perhaps, or daily light exercises.
Beauty Regime – From Basic To Supreme
A basic beauty regime is something that cannot be disregarded. Whether you choose to use the affordable skincare products for the mass market or the exclusive customised products just for your particular type of skin, it is important that you use at least the basics, followed by a weekly exfoliation and mask. A monthly facial would be good if you can spare the time and expense.
Not forgetting is an occasional massage therapy session at the spa. If anything else, it just makes you feel lighter and that all is right with the world. Apart from that, adequate sleep is a must.
Ageing Gracefully With The Right Attitude. Soon…
Watch this space when we share with you interviews with those who have lived their lives to the fullest, who provide tips on skincare and wellness and those who tell us that age is definitely, just a number. At the end of the day, ageing gracefully is within our reach. Ageing gracefully is something that we should all strive to be. It is all about attitude.

Let’s start with some steps to ageing gracefully. Here are 10 tips for running in the morning. Let’s do this, folks.