If You Could See The Future, What Would You Do Differently?

“Where do you see yourself in five years?” is no longer an obscure question that we often encounter during job interviews. In fact, it is predictable and we prepare the answer beforehand. I’d usually imagine myself working in the corporate world, own a bungalow, and settle down with the man of my dreams whenever I think about my future. Simply put, I dream to be successful in every aspect of life. However, no matter how much I plan, there are no guarantees in life. I can only plan and act to accomplish my life goals but it is God who determines my future.

How would it be if we can see the future?
The future lies in our hands, take control, and drive it to a better place.
Source: Image by Nvodicka from Pixabay

Wouldn’t it be nice to go back in time and change the past to fix that one mistake that haunts us every day? Perhaps, if I could have a superpower, then I’d choose time travel just to make things right. But even if I opt for another choice, would it turn out well the way I wanted it to be? It could be yes, and it could also be no because the future itself is unpredictable. Hence, I’ll just have to brace myself for any worst-case scenario.

The Future Is Unpredictable And Uncertain

Even in business, organisations including Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) should have prepared their own cash reserves for at least three months ahead. Believe it or not, large corporations from various sectors such as Velesto Energy, PETRONAS, and UEM Group also experienced downturn in business specifically during the recession in 2009. This is how crucial it is to set aside emergency funds to sustain one’s business during unprecedented times.

Nothing is guaranteed in the future therefore corporations should have good financial management.
Organisations can always have several back-up plans just in case things don’t go as planned because the future is unpredictable.
Source: Image by Adeolu Eletu from Unsplash

The fact that we are unable to predict the future certainly leads us to be prudent in our judgment. As a Diploma in Business Studies holder, I am already familiar with the term of financial planning. It is regularly mentioned in almost every subject I studied three years ago. Unfortunately, I’m only good at memorising theory as I failed to practise what I learnt in class. I am truly a spendthrift.

Now that we are in the middle of a pandemic, I finally realise the need to work on my financial planning skills. Being knowledgeable about how to save wisely is not sufficient to prepare for rainy days. There is always a risk no matter where life takes us. However, we can always choose to be ready for anything that might take place. Having a long-term financial plan involves not only disciplining but also securing the finances as well.

“No one knows what the future holds, except the One Who holds the future!”

eRIC METAXAS, American author

Long-Term Life Goals Encourage Savings

The world is hard and difficult enough for us to overthink what’s ahead. We should make peace with ourselves by embracing the ambiguity and let destiny guide us to the right door. This is because, under certain circumstances, the steps we take today will eventually make a huge difference such as saving money. We can’t deny that everything needs money these days. And the easiest way to secure a brighter future is to start saving from day one.

Getting started might be the hardest part for everyone. The main concern is to have the right mindset and to stay focused. The current and future financial choices encountered by the millennials are more challenging than the previous generations. This is due to the current economic climate. The situation where our parents were in for their first jobs is not the same as where we are today. Regardless, it is important for us to decide what we want to achieve in life and to prepare for the future.

Now that we know future is not entirely fixed, we can make changes starting today.
Saving money is not only important in the future but also for emergency funds. We need to save money because the future is uncertain and we may not be able to earn money when we are physically incapacitated, retrenched, retire or even when another pandemic hits!
Source: Image by Steve Johnson from Pexels

Devising The Future Now Gives Peace Of Mind

We can take control even though the future remains unclear. It is not worth worrying over things that are yet to happen. Instead of dwelling on things we can’t control, why not brace ourselves through action. For instance, people purchase insurance as a preparation for the future nowadays. And in return, policyholders are likely to have better peace of mind compared to those who don’t. The former is able to breathe easy as they don’t have to be anxious about inevitable incidents.

Insurance helps to give peace of mind and protection in the future.

Insurance provides financial protection i.e. payment of losses, management of cash flow uncertainty, etc. for the policyholder and their loved ones. It is an essential financial tool that helps us in the present and takes care of our financial needs in the future.
Source: Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Alas, in Malaysia the level of public awareness of the importance of having insurance is still low. This would be an arduous task for insurance practitioners to convince and change the mentality of Malaysians. Though the path ahead remains unclear, at least insurance helps ensure at least a minimum level of financial protection in our times of need. Sometimes, certain uncertainties are best met with action. And remember, God helps those who help themselves.

The Future Lies In Our Hands

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt, the First Lady of the United States

There are certain things that we can do to ensure that our future is a bright one. This, too, includes personal financing because we might have jobs that pay the current bills. But emergency bills still have the potential to wreak havoc in our lives. As the saying goes by Ezra Taft Benson, “It is better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent.” Peer pressure amongst the millennials has resulted in at least 40 percent of them spending beyond their means. Well, that’s surely a scary number so it’s time to get on a budget!

Choosing the right insurance products to buy can be tricky for many since we barely have enough knowledge of it. But with the constant innovation in the industry, lives have been made easier especially for the insured. The insurance companies are able to customise products based on our needs and wants. Logically, we don’t simply entrust our money to these companies for their services but we would gladly do so if these products benefit us.

Protect What Matters Most With Customised Coverage And Protection

For someone who has been in the financial industry for approximately 30 years, Alice Yee has left an impression on her clients due to her excellent service. Her convincing portfolio has not only gained many who trust her to manage their financial needs, but also made lasting friendship along the way. Having said that, her clients are her biggest asset because, without them, she wouldn’t be the person she is today.

Alice Yee enjoys travelling around the world in spite of helping others in managing their money.
Self-satisfaction is something that money can’t buy. Alice Yee loves her career as flexible working schedule allows her to balance work and life where she gets to travel around the world frequently. This picture is taken during her annual holiday trip – a cruise through the magnificent glaciers in Alaska, the United States of America.
Source: Image from Alice Yee

Alice puts her heart and soul into her work. She knows how to customise the best coverage according to one’s income, priorities and commitments. Perhaps you could contact her personally at +6012 310 1198 for a free financial planning consultation. In fact, you can seek her help to do a complimentary review of your current insurance policies to check for any redundancy or inadequacy. In the next article, we shall explore the most important insurance plan that we should own after graduating. Even though we can’t see our future but we can always be prepared for it.

Do you have an emergency fund?

If you want to get more insights about retirement plan, please head over to this article.

About Sarah ZAINAL

Finance major, with a secret love for linguistics, Sarah grew up reading, writing, storytelling, and even dabbling in poetry too. A hardworking lass who loves to learn new things to soak up new experiences.

3 Replies to “If You Could See The Future, What Would You Do Differently?”

  1. Pingback: What Would I Tell My Old Self About Money Management? - Espoletta

  2. Thank you Sarah for this write-up.
    Financial planning is a very important aspect of one’s future finances.
    Planning ahead will prepare one of any eventuality, and will surely assure one’s peace of mind.

    • You’re welcome, Alice! I hope the article can increase the awareness of financial planning for everyone, especially young adults 🙂

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