Newborns: Good Old Fashion Instincts Over Internet Research

We are now living in the information age. With just a few clicks, anybody can be somewhat, or even well informed about any subject of their fancy. All credit goes to the World Wide Web and its ever useful search engines. However, as useful as it may seem, there are some things it simply cannot help us with. One such thing is with the issue of newborns and post-delivery matters. With regard to them, yes, research does matter. In fact, in this day and age where the World Wide Web is so accessible, we would be hard pressed to find anybody uninformed of issues pertaining to newborns at all. However, when it comes to newborns and in the post-delivery period, what prevails most is good old fashion instincts and discretion. Something which the Internet (and social media), regrettably does not have.

pregnant mother sitting down with a laptop on her lap researching for her newborn
The Internet, especially social media can be a very powerful tool if used wisely.
Image from Freepik

Did You Know That Post-Delivery Diet For Mothers Is Pretty Important?

The kind of food that we eat and have access to has evolved so much. They have changed in colour, texture, taste, looks, and everything else in between. This is due to globalisation, interracial marriages and a multicultural society. This is a good thing. However, one downside could be the contradictory advice and suggestions as to what is healthy and what is best for consumption postpartum. This would be totally different if, for example, all these contradictory food advice and suggestions are for a person who is trying to lose weight. Or even to a person who is recovering from an illness. But nothing compares to the sensitivity and frailty of newborns and mothers post-delivery.

Ideally, a family can have their own go-to physician for advice. Eating healthy during postpartum is a given. While there are Obstetricians and Gynaecologists catering for pregnant women and specifically for newborns, there aren’t any for post-delivery mothers. Hence new mothers have to collate information from peers, family members, old wives tales, and of course, the World Wide Web. Not every single ingredient, dish or method of preparation will suit the mother’s body. No matter how convincing a well-meaning source can be.

This is a niche that postpartum service providers and experts look into. Certifying practitioners that can medically take on the diets of mothers post delivery.

a tray with many bowls full of healthy food for mother; newborns.
Specially created healthy meals for a new mother (and also father and siblings if requested) at Twin C Postnatal Consultancy & Care. Set meals usually comprise carbohydrates (rice), fruits, vegetables, herbal soup and protein (chicken), unless requested otherwise.
Image by Twin C Postnatal Consultancy & Care

Medicinal And Herbal Treatments, And Their Methods

With any kind of medicines, herbal or otherwise, treatments and administrative methods are not a lighthearted matter. Unlike food, where any adverse symptoms may show up on a delayed time-frame, the symptoms can be handled effectively with minimal drama. With medicines, herbal remedies and treatments, any adverse side effects or reaction may not be so easily reversible. It can be of the severe kind. Hence, the very best choice is to always seek professional help. If need be, seek more than one professional opinion before deciding.

Do remember the old saying: “Too many cooks will spoil the broth”. Meaning, if there are too many opinions, advice or “helpful” suggestions, the mother may undergo a lot of unnecessary stress just to decide on the best action to take for both herself and her newborn. The overall outcome may not be the best one for both mother and baby.

traditional medicine practitioner with some traditional medicine.
Seeking out traditional medicinal methods and treatments are very popular in the Asian culture.
Image by 4045 from Freepik

This is why postpartum service providers nowadays have doctors or paediatricians, certified doulas, even traditional Chinese medicine practitioners on stand-by for mothers and their little ones. Twin C Postnatal Consultancy & Care boasts of having in-house registered nurses with postpartum care experience. Also, experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioner specialising in gynaecology and women’s health.

Navigating Tough Postnatal Situations

There are definitely no shortage of tough situations when newborns are involved. Sleeplessness, feeding and body waste issues, strange symptoms and behaviours are just to name a few. These also include the mother’s as well. Each tough situation is totally different from the others. Although different, there are many ways to navigate through them properly and peacefully. Searches on the World Wide Web may not yield the solutions we are looking for. It is always best to assess the situation first, inspect all factors and influences involved before making a decision. This is because there could be so many factors in a newborn situation that differ from any given situation as described on the World Wide Web.

When Twin C founder, SuLing, found herself pregnant with twins, she was determined to deliver them naturally because she was certain that her body could handle it. “I was strongly discouraged to do so. People and the advice found on the Internet meant well, but I understood my body better.”

a mother cradling her newborn with the father beside her. Newborns
SuLing and husband, Vincent Lee with one of their twins at the postnatal care centre. Vincent is also a chef. He has graciously supported SuLing both emotionally and with his culinary expertise for Twin C.
Image by Twin C Postnatal Consultancy & Care

“The thing is, mothers have to assess their own bodies first and understand it. There is no black or white when it comes to delivering, looking after a newborn, or taking care of the mother’s body. Strong instincts are needed in times like this.”

SULING, founder and owner of twin c Postnatal Consultancy & Care

SuLing is currently pursuing her studies to become a professional postpartum doula. She is also a trained breastfeeding counsellor with Childbirth International (CBI).

Your Gut Feeling May Be Right, But Seek Prior Professional Help

The World Wide Web and social media may not be the most reliable source of information when deciding what’s best for a newborn and new mother. A good place to begin with, but not necessarily a good place to linger or end up in. A healthy mixture of professional help and good old fashion maternal instincts are always the way to finish with flair.

This way, we become better in seeking out postpartum service providers that have a good balance of evolving methods and approaches to handling newborns and a firm stance on health-first principles. Find out more from postnatal care professionals like Twin C on how you can better understand your instincts and changing needs.

Stay with us as we explore more about postnatal care and consultancy, and the plethora of aspects it covers.

Read more about Twin C here:

About Rachel PUNITHA

Lecturer turned writer, Rachel is a romantic at heart, with words that is... She's into a host of topics, which include family culture, mental & emotional health, and especially the boring subjects like money management and retirement planning.

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