We’re Finally Publishing “The Espoletta Writing System” Book

Ever since starting Espoletta, we have received many requests from content creators who wanted to learn the way we write. Many people expressed interest to learn the Espoletta Writing System, but not necessarily interested to write with Espoletta. We didn’t have the opportunity to share back then, but we do now. So we’d like to take this opportunity to announce that we’ll be publishing this book soon. If you’re a content creator, this book might just change your whole perspective of writing.

The proposed book cover for The Espoletta Writing System.
Image by Author

What’s The Espoletta Writing System About?

Anybody can write, that’s a given. But not everybody can write in a way that attracts and retains the audience’s attention. Don’t believe us? Well, just try browsing through some content on the World Wide Web. Choose any topic that catches your fancy. Then count exactly how many of the articles really attract and retain your attention all the way to the end. You’d probably arrive at about 20% to 30% of them (if you’re lucky).

Mock up of a typical online article, presented on a tablet. The layout emphasise the boring writing style.
Most content, both online and physical, is unattractive and boring. Most writers present their stories from their own perspectives, and for their own benefit, not the audience’s.
Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay

A large majority of the articles are pretty dry. It doesn’t really matter whether they are news articles, factual articles, or even leisure articles. Some writers lose their readers because of their overly engrossed perspective. Others are simply too technical or difficult to comprehend. Additionally, a great majority of writers lose their readers due to their unbalanced visual layout. Yes, visuals also play an important role in the written media.

Developing The Espoletta Writing System

Whilst we started out with a pretty solid writing foundation, we believe in a lifelong learning experience. We continue to hone our writers’ writing skills since our very first publications. Today, we’re still progressively learning as we speak/read.

We started by imparting the accumulated writing skills verbally to our writers, and through the editing process of their drafts. But eventually, we had to formalise these lessons. With an influx of new writers coming on board, verbally going through the lessons with them became increasingly laborious. Thus, our Writers’ Tutorial was born out of this effort. A set of written tutorial notes that we provide to all our in-house writers.

Is It Just Tutorial Notes Or An Actual Book?

The tutorial notes are a quick and easy way for our in-house writers’ reference. But they’re not exactly easy for outsiders to understand, especially without a formal induction to Espoletta’s writing style. Hence, we needed to restructure the tutorials into something that everybody can benefit from.

A participant actively writing down notes in a meeting environment. This indicates the tutorial notes being created on the early days.
The Espoletta Writing System started as a collection of tutorial notes for our in-house writers. What benefited our writers will also benefit other content creators too.
Image by StartupStockPhotos of Pixabay

And that initiated the formulation of the Espoletta Writing System into the book format. Along the way, we also added some bonus content that goes beyond simply writing for Espoletta alone.

Who Are You Writing This Book For?

The Espoletta Writing System is an all encompassing writing manual. It covers all the knowledge that one needs in order to write everything. It doesn’t matter whether you’re writing a full-fledged book or short stories and articles. Are you struggling to get more traffic to your blog? Or perhaps trying to write a dissertation that’s more exciting than your classmates’? Then this is the book for you.

Whether you’re writing a fictional novel, or a factual article, this is for you, too. If you want your content to be easier to read and memorable, this book outlines the skills you need. Hobby writing or professional writing, you’ll benefit from all the explicitly discussed methodologies.

When Is The Book Coming Out?

We’re currently in active discussions with a few publishers. We don’t have a concrete date yet. We’re hoping that it’ll hit the shelves sometime in 2022. And depending on how the talks with the publishers go, we might even publish it in ebook format too.

A whole year calendar, with a date circled. This image is to indicate an expected date that the book is available.
There’s no concrete available date as yet. We’re still looking around for a suitable publisher to work with.
Image by Andreas Lischka of Pixabay

So stay tuned as we work out the kinks with the publishers. We’re striving hard to get the books into your hands as soon as possible.

How Much Is The Book?

Frankly, we haven’t got the foggiest idea… It’s entirely dependent on the arrangement we can agree on with a publisher. We’re trying to get at least a softcover book at or around MYR50, but we can’t guarantee the price yet. Really, it all depends on the publisher.

Can We Have A Sneak Peek At The Book?

We’ll do you one better. We’ve included the first three chapters, free, in a downloadable PDF file (3.3 MB) to whet your appetite. Would you purchase this book when it comes out? Can we have a show of hands? Or if you have anything else to add, do leave your comments down below.

Would you purchase a copy of The Espoletta Writing System?
4 votes

About CHOW Wei Ming

Brand consultant, photographer, creative director, storyteller, and a true believer of the power of visual communications. Outwardly expresses a friendly disposition, but hides a perfectionist nature deep inside him.

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