About Geena ROSLYNA

Friendly people-person, Geena has dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Public Relations and Management graduate, with a love for singing, acting and writing. Has a knack for picking up languages too.

Graduates, Do You Also Have A Corporate Personal Image?

So, you’ve graduated from university and are ready to kick-start your career. Just a quick question: got that Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter ready? I’m sensing you got that covered. As a fresh graduate, I can vouch that most Continue reading Graduates, Do You Also Have A Corporate Personal Image?

Handmade Instruments: A Luxury In The Music World

Music is a gift to the world. Author Hans Christian Anderson once said, “When words fail, music speaks.” We turn to music to express ourselves by listening to songs or playing an instrument. Whether you’re a musician or an instrument Continue reading Handmade Instruments: A Luxury In The Music World

Scrunchies Elevate Confidence And Real Beauty (Part 2 Of 2)

In our previous article, we mentioned that scrunchies are healthier, versatile, and fashionable hair accessories. But let’s be real, there are many different types of scrunchies out there. So, how do we find one that accentuates our beauty the most? Continue reading Scrunchies Elevate Confidence And Real Beauty (Part 2 Of 2)

Scrunchie: A Tale Of A Woman’s Best Friend (Part 1 Of 2)

It wasn’t until I watched the movie ‘Legally Blonde’ in 2014 when I first heard the word ‘Scrunchie’. To me, I thought it was the perfect way to describe such a funky-looking hair accessory. If you ask me, I have Continue reading Scrunchie: A Tale Of A Woman’s Best Friend (Part 1 Of 2)