About Kaveen ANANTHA

Self-study law graduate, with a penchant for creative writing. Not surprising that Kaveen prefers writing fantasy short stories than legal documents. A Potterhead at heart, and lives in her own little magical world of wizardry.

Bespoke Experience: But Is It Savile Row Worthy?

A brown bespoke suit on mannequin

So you’re in the market for a suit. That’s not all, you also want to enjoy a “Kingsman” worthy bespoke experience in the process. No shame in admitting that we tend to enjoy the process more than the very output Continue reading Bespoke Experience: But Is It Savile Row Worthy?

Classic MENswear Is A Misnomer: Rise Of Androgyny

We now live in the year 2020. The year we had futuristic visions about our standard of life. We’ve come a long way from the patriarchal society that we used to live in, thanks to the suffragettes of the last Continue reading Classic MENswear Is A Misnomer: Rise Of Androgyny

Blanket Fort: Rainy Day Adventure (Messy But Worth It)

It’s been raining cats and dogs for a week now. While Malaysians might love the rain, too much of it can be inconvenient and a hindrance. What sometimes started off cosy can slowly turn melancholy. Back in March 2020, the Continue reading Blanket Fort: Rainy Day Adventure (Messy But Worth It)