About Shannie NG

Grew up surrounded with books. Spends as much time in libraries and bookshops as other toddlers do in playpens. Not surprising that she acquired a healthy reading habit. Not only that, she's also into ballet, piano, violin and saxophone too. A great achievement at such a young age.

Zentangle: Unlocking A Whole New World

If I asked you, do you know what is “Zentangle”? I have no doubt that more than half of you would think I had either made up the word or am just out of my mind. However, that is certainly Continue reading Zentangle: Unlocking A Whole New World

Differing From The Norm: A Photo Booth Service

Only three more weeks to go before Christmas but the Christmas mood had yet to set in for me. However, my Aunt Amanda had decided to host an early Christmas party to celebrate the occasion with her friends and family. Continue reading Differing From The Norm: A Photo Booth Service

An Adventure Into A Florist’s

It was my mother’s birthday today and due to my packed schedule, I had forgotten to buy her a birthday present! What made matters worse was that I was meeting her later to celebrate the occasion over dinner! “What can Continue reading An Adventure Into A Florist’s