A Peek Behind Commercial Modelling

The modelling industry is often synonymous with the world of glitz and glamour. But behind the curtain is it really so? Follow me as we take a peek behind the curtain of this often misunderstood industry. Hi, I am Nicole Continue reading A Peek Behind Commercial Modelling

Complexity Of Skin Colour In The Modelling Industry

In the previous article, we shared about the problems along with the empowerment of plus-size models. Beauty enthusiasts know singer Rihanna‘s makeup brand Fenty is popular for its extensive inclusivity of all shades of skin. For the longest time, women Continue reading Complexity Of Skin Colour In The Modelling Industry

Plus-Size Modelling: Is There Such A Thing?

Previously, we shared how to empower women by being confident, and embracing one’s own body. But what if you don’t exactly have the “ideal” body shape? And what if you’re curvy and want to be a part of the modelling Continue reading Plus-Size Modelling: Is There Such A Thing?

The Art And Beauty Of Glamour Modelling

In the previous article, we looked at how catwalk modelling is more than just fashion shows. Rather than brand representation, glamour modelling interests us in the art of self-representation. It also has a more niche market and largely differs in Continue reading The Art And Beauty Of Glamour Modelling

Catwalk Modelling: Eleen Yong’s Incredible Journey

The glamour and the fame of modelling come with equally as much determination and effort. Catwalk modelling or runway modelling has been, and still is, what most people assume the face of the modelling industry as a whole is. Although Continue reading Catwalk Modelling: Eleen Yong’s Incredible Journey

Myths Vs. Facts In The Modelling Industry

What are the myths that exist in the modelling industry? And what are the facts behind those myths? Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? Well, you’ve stumbled upon the perfect article! The image that comes into mind when Continue reading Myths Vs. Facts In The Modelling Industry