
Whilst we strive to ensure that all the facts published are accurately represented, and thoroughly verified, we have to accept the fact that not everybody can, or may agree with, our collective opinion. Henceforth, should anybody find that any of our articles to be inaccurate, or if you believe that they are published with the sole purpose of :-

(1) malicious intent
(2) conspicuous ridicule
(3) scandal
(4) reproach
(5) scorn
(6) indignity
(7) misguiding the public
(8) intentional misrepresentation
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Please highlight the offending article to us, and the reason why you believe the said article to be offensive. An internal investigation shall be conducted to determine if the claim is true or otherwise. If proven to be true, we shall do everything in our capacity to take corrective actions on the said article, up to, and including, removing the said article from publication.

Whilst it is our general intention to satisfy all parties, please understand that our liability is limited only to editing, replacing or removing the said offensive article. We are not liable for information miscommunicated to us, whether intentionally or otherwise, by any third-parties, in the process of writing and publishing the articles.

The copyright of the media provided for by the subjects featured in, and to be featured in, any of the articles belongs to their respective owners. By publishing on Espoletta – Lifestyle ● Journal, the said subjects have agreed to waive such copyright claims against Espoletta – Lifestyle ● Journal, and explicitly allow Espoletta – Lifestyle ● Journal to reuse/reproduce such media in the said articles.

The copyright of all contents published on Espoletta – Lifestyle ● Journal belongs solely to Espoletta Marketing, with the sole exception of media provided for by the subjects themselves, and/or third-party paid or free-to-use media, that have been properly attributed and credited. Contents on Espoletta – Lifestyle ● Journal cannot be reproduced, whether in whole or in part, without prior written permission from Espoletta Marketing.

[Published Tuesday, 28 May 2019]