Tiger Rock: Rebecca Duckett’s Art Retreat

Previously, we introduced Rebecca Duckett, and how she alluded her career influences, accomplishments and future plans. And to follow up on that, today, we shall explore how she did all that, in an art retreat that she developed and mediates. Continue reading Tiger Rock: Rebecca Duckett’s Art Retreat

Rebecca Duckett Breathes Colours Into That Plain White T-Shirt

There was a time when plain white t-shirts were my choice of attire. I shied away from displays of conspicuous messages across the chest; why would I want anyone to ‘read’ me! Once, printed t-shirts were mundane reprints of typical Continue reading Rebecca Duckett Breathes Colours Into That Plain White T-Shirt

Blazer: Men’s Equivalent To Women’s Little Black Dress

The little black dress is an essential piece in every woman’s wardrobe. Layer it with a jacket and pumps, and you have a conservative, business appropriate attire. It’s suitable even for boardrooms and business meetings. Adorn it with jewellery and Continue reading Blazer: Men’s Equivalent To Women’s Little Black Dress

Foundation Wardrobe (Part 3 Of 3): Advance Level

Congratulations!… You’ve completed both your foundation wardrobe basics and intermediate levels. Complete this level, and you’ll graduate after this. But before you start strutting your stuff around, realise that you’ve only completed the foundation. Your sartorial journey is merely beginning. Continue reading Foundation Wardrobe (Part 3 Of 3): Advance Level

Foundation Wardrobe (Part 2 Of 3): Intermediate Level

Congratulations, you’ve amassed all the necessary pieces of garments for your basic level. And I’m assuming that you’ve also recovered financially from the major purchases of your basic level too. Now’s the time to up your game, and advance to Continue reading Foundation Wardrobe (Part 2 Of 3): Intermediate Level

Foundation Wardrobe (Part 1 Of 3): The Basics

You’ve probably read the series on Classic Menswear, and thought it’s financially impossible to build a foundation wardrobe like that. At least not all at one go. Even more so if you’re a fresh graduate, and still dependent on your Continue reading Foundation Wardrobe (Part 1 Of 3): The Basics

Baling, A Mystical Town (Part 1 Of 3)

Fang like structure in Baling

Have you wondered what kind of setting will be suitable for a Malaysia version of Count Dracula novel? What could be more perfect than a mountainous area surrounded by forest and a place known for its infamous past?… Baling town Continue reading Baling, A Mystical Town (Part 1 Of 3)

Classic Menswear: Casual But Elegant (Part 2 Of 2)

Previous episode, we shared how to dress for the more formal end of the spectrum. As mentioned, classic menswear stretches across a wide spectrum. So today, we’re gonna take a look at the dressed down side of it. We’re gonna Continue reading Classic Menswear: Casual But Elegant (Part 2 Of 2)

A Peek Behind Commercial Modelling

The modelling industry is often synonymous with the world of glitz and glamour. But behind the curtain is it really so? Follow me as we take a peek behind the curtain of this often misunderstood industry. Hi, I am Nicole Continue reading A Peek Behind Commercial Modelling

Classic Menswear: Business Appropriate (Part 1 Of 2)

To most people, the mere mention of “classic menswear” will conjure an image of men in formal business suits. Men in formal business settings, conducting formal business… things… In all actuality, classic menswear covers more than just formal business suits. Continue reading Classic Menswear: Business Appropriate (Part 1 Of 2)