Salehah: Self-Discovery Through Architecture (Part 3 Of 10)

The path of architecture is much more than just learning how to draw and design. Architecture is a path of trials that make you question your abilities, sanity and worth. Previously, Natasya Jasmin shared her story on her architecture journey Continue reading Salehah: Self-Discovery Through Architecture (Part 3 Of 10)

The Art And Beauty Of Glamour Modelling

In the previous article, we looked at how catwalk modelling is more than just fashion shows. Rather than brand representation, glamour modelling interests us in the art of self-representation. It also has a more niche market and largely differs in Continue reading The Art And Beauty Of Glamour Modelling

Working From Home: Finding Work-Life Balance During Quarantine

The pandemic known as COVID-19 has impelled employees from non-essential businesses all over the world to work from home. In hopes to flatten the curve, Malaysians are complying with the movement control order (MCO) imposed by the government. But being Continue reading Working From Home: Finding Work-Life Balance During Quarantine

Zentangle: Unlocking A Whole New World

If I asked you, do you know what is “Zentangle”? I have no doubt that more than half of you would think I had either made up the word or am just out of my mind. However, that is certainly Continue reading Zentangle: Unlocking A Whole New World

Calligraphy: The Lost Art Of Hand Lettering

Do you know that there are calligraphy services where you can request to have your favourite words turned into beautiful pieces of art? Some ways to use these services are to make your events such as wedding or birthday parties Continue reading Calligraphy: The Lost Art Of Hand Lettering