Graduates, Do You Also Have A Corporate Personal Image?

So, you’ve graduated from university and are ready to kick-start your career. Just a quick question: got that Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter ready? I’m sensing you got that covered. As a fresh graduate, I can vouch that most Continue reading Graduates, Do You Also Have A Corporate Personal Image?

Scrunchies Elevate Confidence And Real Beauty (Part 2 Of 2)

In our previous article, we mentioned that scrunchies are healthier, versatile, and fashionable hair accessories. But let’s be real, there are many different types of scrunchies out there. So, how do we find one that accentuates our beauty the most? Continue reading Scrunchies Elevate Confidence And Real Beauty (Part 2 Of 2)

Ooi Kee Tzuen: Diving Into The Deep End

It’s not every day you get to hear about the story of how one becomes successful directly from the horse’s mouth. The stories of their achievements and successes are often hidden behind the positive words, such as becoming a millionaire Continue reading Ooi Kee Tzuen: Diving Into The Deep End

Body Positivity: How Loving Myself Saved My Life

I was always known as the fat girl. No matter if it was in school, at home or in a café. I would always look around the room and felt like I was the fattest one there. So, I used Continue reading Body Positivity: How Loving Myself Saved My Life

The Art And Beauty Of Glamour Modelling

In the previous article, we looked at how catwalk modelling is more than just fashion shows. Rather than brand representation, glamour modelling interests us in the art of self-representation. It also has a more niche market and largely differs in Continue reading The Art And Beauty Of Glamour Modelling

Catwalk Modelling: Eleen Yong’s Incredible Journey

The glamour and the fame of modelling come with equally as much determination and effort. Catwalk modelling or runway modelling has been, and still is, what most people assume the face of the modelling industry as a whole is. Although Continue reading Catwalk Modelling: Eleen Yong’s Incredible Journey