Foundation Wardrobe (Part 3 Of 3): Advance Level

Congratulations!… You’ve completed both your foundation wardrobe basics and intermediate levels. Complete this level, and you’ll graduate after this. But before you start strutting your stuff around, realise that you’ve only completed the foundation. Your sartorial journey is merely beginning. Continue reading Foundation Wardrobe (Part 3 Of 3): Advance Level

Classic Menswear: Casual But Elegant (Part 2 Of 2)

Previous episode, we shared how to dress for the more formal end of the spectrum. As mentioned, classic menswear stretches across a wide spectrum. So today, we’re gonna take a look at the dressed down side of it. We’re gonna Continue reading Classic Menswear: Casual But Elegant (Part 2 Of 2)

Comfortably Casual, Yet Stylishly Elegant

Casual in style

Previously we explored the difference between suit jacket, blazer and sport jacket. Most would assume that dressing up is always associated with formal events. However, this does not mean that one should only dress well for those occasions. After all, Continue reading Comfortably Casual, Yet Stylishly Elegant

Suit Jacket Vs. Blazer Vs. Sport Jacket

suit jacket

In the previous article, we debunked several myths about owning a suit. All the facts point out to why one should consider a tailored suit as opposed to ready-to-wear suit. In this article, we are going to explore the suit Continue reading Suit Jacket Vs. Blazer Vs. Sport Jacket