Empowering Vulnerability Through Nude Art

Over the past year, most of us grappled with our mental health, more so than before, since the start of COVID-19 pandemic. Myself included. Despite the stigma surrounding mental health in Asian countries, conversations about it have peaked during the Continue reading Empowering Vulnerability Through Nude Art

Cyberbullying: The Stab Wound Of Words

Cyberbullying is on the increase as we enter into the new era of social media. The year 2020 hasn’t been so great for all of us due to COVID-19 pandemic. Being quarantined and stuck at home has everyone escape to Continue reading Cyberbullying: The Stab Wound Of Words

Social Anxiety: More Than Just Shyness To Me

What exactly is social anxiety? Is being shy the same as social anxiety? Oh, it is definitely more than that. Social anxiety is defined as “the fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people, leading to feelings of Continue reading Social Anxiety: More Than Just Shyness To Me

Are Online Classes The Nuisance New Normal For Students?

If I could describe 2020 in a word, it would be “unprecedented”. Learning has never been easy for some even before the pandemic. It has been approximately two months since classes were shifted virtually due to COVID-19. I wonder how Continue reading Are Online Classes The Nuisance New Normal For Students?

Inner Peace: A Self-Reflection Towards Attaining It

Attaining inner peace during the COVID-19 pandemic has been everyone’s challenge as it has taken everyone by surprise and none of us are really prepared for its onslaught. A Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented by the Malaysian government to Continue reading Inner Peace: A Self-Reflection Towards Attaining It

Beauty Queen: Carol Lee’s Spanning Career (Part 1 Of 2)

“All that glitters is not gold.” That usually is the stereotype with supermodels, TV hosts, newscasters and beauty queens. They are aesthetically beautiful on the outside but how are they on the inside? Are they articulate? Are they kind? Do Continue reading Beauty Queen: Carol Lee’s Spanning Career (Part 1 Of 2)

Active Listening: Are You Really All Ears?

“My toddler said “Mama” today!! Couldn’t have been happier!!” We’re all aware of the excitement parents feel when their mini versions learn and begin to speak. It’s something vital, a survival code, maybe? It definitely is an important developmental milestone Continue reading Active Listening: Are You Really All Ears?