How The Tabata Technique Changed My Life

Learning about Tabata is what changed my life. Reminding me that life is short. And the solution to get the best out of life is prioritising our and the health of the people we love. For me and many others, Continue reading How The Tabata Technique Changed My Life

Inner Peace: A Self-Reflection Towards Attaining It

Attaining inner peace during the COVID-19 pandemic has been everyone’s challenge as it has taken everyone by surprise and none of us are really prepared for its onslaught. A Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented by the Malaysian government to Continue reading Inner Peace: A Self-Reflection Towards Attaining It

Social Distancing Y’all: Nowhere Else To Run

Running in the park has become a luxury since Malaysia's Movement Control Order to contain the Covid-19 pandemic

Surely by now the meaning of social distancing does not warrant a lengthy explanation. Its global understanding, a given; its implementation, universal. Therefore to contain the spread of COVID-19, a Movement Control Order (MCO) was decreed. For Malaysia, this meant Continue reading Social Distancing Y’all: Nowhere Else To Run

Boxing: A Choice Or Faux Pas For Women?

A woman kisses her boxing gloves enthusiastically.

When we think about boxing, the first thing that comes into our minds are the names of famous boxers throughout history; Manny Pacquiao, Mike Tyson, and Muhammad Ali. Although boxing is primarily thought as a male-dominated sport, it actually has Continue reading Boxing: A Choice Or Faux Pas For Women?