Scrunchies Elevate Confidence And Real Beauty (Part 2 Of 2)

In our previous article, we mentioned that scrunchies are healthier, versatile, and fashionable hair accessories. But let’s be real, there are many different types of scrunchies out there. So, how do we find one that accentuates our beauty the most? Continue reading Scrunchies Elevate Confidence And Real Beauty (Part 2 Of 2)

Scrunchie: A Tale Of A Woman’s Best Friend (Part 1 Of 2)

It wasn’t until I watched the movie ‘Legally Blonde’ in 2014 when I first heard the word ‘Scrunchie’. To me, I thought it was the perfect way to describe such a funky-looking hair accessory. If you ask me, I have Continue reading Scrunchie: A Tale Of A Woman’s Best Friend (Part 1 Of 2)

Revisiting The Golden Age Of Men’s Grooming: Wet Shaving

What is it about? What is wet shaving? Do you remember a scene in the movie The Untouchables where Robert De Niro gets a shave? The one minus the accidental cut? A warm towel placed on your face followed by Continue reading Revisiting The Golden Age Of Men’s Grooming: Wet Shaving

Caveman To Gentleman: A Woman’s Guide To Men’s Grooming

The history of men’s grooming can be traced back to the Egyptians which continued throughout history. It was during the rise of Hollywood in the 1900s which popularised men on silver screens in suits with slick back hair, pearly whites Continue reading Caveman To Gentleman: A Woman’s Guide To Men’s Grooming

There Is No Second Chance To A First Impression

Do you know that you speak volumes before you even open your mouth? When you meet someone for the first time, it simply takes them one quick observation to decide what type of person you are. This is never truer than Continue reading There Is No Second Chance To A First Impression