Not Getting Proper Sleep?… Yea, Me Too!

Getting enough sleep is vital in our daily routine to stay healthy. But if you’re like me, having a good night’s sleep can remain elusive at times. Having to toss and turn for minutes, if not hours before dozing off Continue reading Not Getting Proper Sleep?… Yea, Me Too!

Ketogenic Diet: The New Health Vogue?

Diet; a word that literally means something we eat, in any shape or form. It is associated with a restrictive notion, specifically for losing weight but it is not really true. There are different kinds of diets like protein diet, Continue reading Ketogenic Diet: The New Health Vogue?

Beauty Queen: Carol Lee’s Spanning Career (Part 1 Of 2)

“All that glitters is not gold.” That usually is the stereotype with supermodels, TV hosts, newscasters and beauty queens. They are aesthetically beautiful on the outside but how are they on the inside? Are they articulate? Are they kind? Do Continue reading Beauty Queen: Carol Lee’s Spanning Career (Part 1 Of 2)

Social Distancing Y’all: Nowhere Else To Run

Running in the park has become a luxury since Malaysia's Movement Control Order to contain the Covid-19 pandemic

Surely by now the meaning of social distancing does not warrant a lengthy explanation. Its global understanding, a given; its implementation, universal. Therefore to contain the spread of COVID-19, a Movement Control Order (MCO) was decreed. For Malaysia, this meant Continue reading Social Distancing Y’all: Nowhere Else To Run