Violence Against Women: Have You Ever Been Assaulted?

Violence against women is a serious topic that women are still fighting for till today. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently published an article that indicates that 1 in 3 (35%) women worldwide have experienced physical violence at some point Continue reading Violence Against Women: Have You Ever Been Assaulted?

Cyberbullying: The Stab Wound Of Words

Cyberbullying is on the increase as we enter into the new era of social media. The year 2020 hasn’t been so great for all of us due to COVID-19 pandemic. Being quarantined and stuck at home has everyone escape to Continue reading Cyberbullying: The Stab Wound Of Words

Disabled Children: Who Defends Their Rights?

Have you ever seen a disabled child in public before? If so, how did you react? Often, most people just quietly ignore him or her because they don’t know how to respond. Some kind souls might smile or wave at Continue reading Disabled Children: Who Defends Their Rights?

Social Anxiety: More Than Just Shyness To Me

What exactly is social anxiety? Is being shy the same as social anxiety? Oh, it is definitely more than that. Social anxiety is defined as “the fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people, leading to feelings of Continue reading Social Anxiety: More Than Just Shyness To Me