Record Label: The Catalyst To One’s Music Dream (Part 1 Of 2)

One dream can spark the dream of others. The story of a music record label for others might seem a bit uninteresting. We always hear inspirational stories from musicians and artistes, but what about the ones who took them in Continue reading Record Label: The Catalyst To One’s Music Dream (Part 1 Of 2)

Working From Home: Finding Work-Life Balance During Quarantine

The pandemic known as COVID-19 has impelled employees from non-essential businesses all over the world to work from home. In hopes to flatten the curve, Malaysians are complying with the movement control order (MCO) imposed by the government. But being Continue reading Working From Home: Finding Work-Life Balance During Quarantine

There’s Bodybuilding, And Then There’s Victoria Lee

Vicky Lee at the gym, working out

Imagine bodybuilding – bulked up men, hitting the bars and irons at the gym, working out to get the physique of their dream. Now imagine the role is reversed – think about female bodybuilding. For years, women have been frown Continue reading There’s Bodybuilding, And Then There’s Victoria Lee