Classic Menswear: Casual But Elegant (Part 2 Of 2)

Previous episode, we shared how to dress for the more formal end of the spectrum. As mentioned, classic menswear stretches across a wide spectrum. So today, we’re gonna take a look at the dressed down side of it. We’re gonna Continue reading Classic Menswear: Casual But Elegant (Part 2 Of 2)

Pocket Square: Not Just An Afterthought After All

Dressing well is one sure way to enhance your personal brand projection. But donning a bespoke suit or jacket alone is merely the first of many steps to elevate your image. Let’s face it, most gentlemen who care enough about Continue reading Pocket Square: Not Just An Afterthought After All

Dress Shoes: The Final Piece Of Puzzle In A Man’s Wardrobe

We’ve heard this before, that shoes are the anchor to one’s outfit. So why do so many men still skimp on dress shoes when they spend tonnes of cash on bespoke suits? Whether you realise it or not, shoes are Continue reading Dress Shoes: The Final Piece Of Puzzle In A Man’s Wardrobe

Sport Jacket: The Quintessential Casual Jacket

A sport jacket is the singular garment that will spice up your style. But we also mentioned that the sport jacket is a “casual” jacket. Now that’s a little difficult for many to follow. A tailored jacket is a “formal” Continue reading Sport Jacket: The Quintessential Casual Jacket