Are Online Classes The Nuisance New Normal For Students?

If I could describe 2020 in a word, it would be “unprecedented”. Learning has never been easy for some even before the pandemic. It has been approximately two months since classes were shifted virtually due to COVID-19. I wonder how Continue reading Are Online Classes The Nuisance New Normal For Students?

Breast Cancer Survivor Shares Her Winning Formula

Does it mean it’s the end-of-life for some people who are diagnosed with cancer? I bet, to face another day must have been tough for them. Stories by cancer survivors never failed to make me feel inspired. Because to me, Continue reading Breast Cancer Survivor Shares Her Winning Formula

Overcoming Anxiety When You Feel Overwhelmed With Life

It has been some time ago, but there was a point in my life, where I felt extremely troubled by all the little things. I realised that my brain was overworking, so to speak, and I found myself overthinking every Continue reading Overcoming Anxiety When You Feel Overwhelmed With Life

A Listening Ear To Your Everyday Problems

Have you ever felt like your mind is filled with a lot of thoughts? Are those thoughts troubling your everyday life? Do you wish to tell someone about it, but not sure if they’re reliable enough for you to share Continue reading A Listening Ear To Your Everyday Problems