Jia Xin: Perseverance And Architecture (Part 5 Of 10)

Previously, we dwelt on the creative mind of Lieng Kam Wong and her experience in architecture school. Today, my guest of honour is, Chee Jia Xin, a girl who hails from Johor, Malaysia. Just like Kam, Salehah, Natasya and myself, Continue reading Jia Xin: Perseverance And Architecture (Part 5 Of 10)

Salehah: Self-Discovery Through Architecture (Part 3 Of 10)

The path of architecture is much more than just learning how to draw and design. Architecture is a path of trials that make you question your abilities, sanity and worth. Previously, Natasya Jasmin shared her story on her architecture journey Continue reading Salehah: Self-Discovery Through Architecture (Part 3 Of 10)

Architecture Or Archi-torture? (Part 1 Of 10)

One of the hardest university majors to pursue is architecture. From an outsider’s perspective, one might not see the weight and pressure architecture students are carrying. Because every design or drawing comes with a price of sleepless nights and constant Continue reading Architecture Or Archi-torture? (Part 1 Of 10)