There Is No Second Chance To A First Impression

Do you know that you speak volumes before you even open your mouth? When you meet someone for the first time, it simply takes them one quick observation to decide what type of person you are. This is never truer than Continue reading There Is No Second Chance To A First Impression

Bespoke Experience: But Is It Savile Row Worthy?

A brown bespoke suit on mannequin

So you’re in the market for a suit. That’s not all, you also want to enjoy a “Kingsman” worthy bespoke experience in the process. No shame in admitting that we tend to enjoy the process more than the very output Continue reading Bespoke Experience: But Is It Savile Row Worthy?

Suit Up Series: Tommy Cha Is Changing Bespoke Fashion

 “I am not a tailor, I am the tailors’ tailor in Malaysia.” This is how Tommy Cha would describe himself. Tommy Cha is a man who wears many hats in the industry of bespoke fashion. To those unfamiliar with bespoke Continue reading Suit Up Series: Tommy Cha Is Changing Bespoke Fashion