Cravat: The Ancestor Of The Modern Neckwear

We’ve presented the woven ties, knit ties and even bow ties in the previous episodes. So now let’s go further back in time to visit the ancestor of all modern neckwear – the cravat. The modern cravat isn’t technically the Continue reading Cravat: The Ancestor Of The Modern Neckwear

Bow Tie: How To Stand Out Amongst The Well Dressed

Two things come to the mind when you mention “bow tie”. Either the elegant dinner suit in a formal black tie gala, or a clown wearing a fancy costume. The former is fittingly accurate. Black bow ties are the defining Continue reading Bow Tie: How To Stand Out Amongst The Well Dressed

What’s A Knit Tie, And Is There Such A Thing As A Casual Tie?

We’ve already established that there are ties for every level of formality. But are ties all there is to spicing up your attire? What about the times when you still want to look dressed up, yet remain comfortably casual? Is Continue reading What’s A Knit Tie, And Is There Such A Thing As A Casual Tie?