We Donated Books To TAR UMT Library

Recently, we announced the publication of TEWS and Brand ID books. And today, we proudly outdid ourselves… We donated a copy of each book to Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT) library. And yes, we also Continue reading We Donated Books To TAR UMT Library

TEWS – The Book Is Finally Out!

TEWS – The Espoletta Writing System book is finally out. It took a little longer than expected, but it’s finally here, in print. There were a few slight changes in the title and cover design, but the content remained relatively Continue reading TEWS – The Book Is Finally Out!

Mind Your Language: Why It’s Vital In Business Communication

Every day, we communicate in one language or another. In short, communication means an exchange of information or idea between a communicator/sender and a receiver. The information is shared either offline (face-to-face or “meatspace”), or online (virtually or cyberspace). Undeniably, Continue reading Mind Your Language: Why It’s Vital In Business Communication

We’re Finally Publishing “The Espoletta Writing System” Book

Ever since starting Espoletta, we have received many requests from content creators who wanted to learn the way we write. Many people expressed interest to learn the Espoletta Writing System, but not necessarily interested to write with Espoletta. We didn’t Continue reading We’re Finally Publishing “The Espoletta Writing System” Book

Discover The Story Behind Your Note-Taking Style (Part 2 Of 2)

Open up a stranger’s notebook and you’ll find it will likely have a different style to yours. Even if people use the same or similar styles of note-taking, their personal touch differentiates them to be their own unique version. Your Continue reading Discover The Story Behind Your Note-Taking Style (Part 2 Of 2)

Start Note-Taking As A Habit (Part 1 Of 2)

Note-taking is like two sides of the same coin to people. People still take notes today but who knows. Maybe everyone will have their own “implemented camera eye” to capture anything important in the future. All they have to do Continue reading Start Note-Taking As A Habit (Part 1 Of 2)

Journalling: Little Daily Dosage Of Self-Love

Have you ever heard the phrase “You can’t love a person until you love yourself first”? Self-love is important to living well because it guides us to love and appreciate ourselves despite the negativity. Self-love influences us to pick suitable soulmates, plan Continue reading Journalling: Little Daily Dosage Of Self-Love